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tackle 中文

The following is a translation of the first sentence of my article, which you can read here (in Chinese).

So we’re going to tackle 中文 in a very different way than 한국어. While you’re reading, we’ll be using Google Translate and a tool called Google Translate Talk. You may wonder why we go with Google Translate Talk, and I’m curious if you have any other suggestions. One of these days, I’ll have time to make an article about why.

Google Translate Talk is the tool we use to translate Chinese articles into Chinese. It’s free.

Google Translate Talk is not perfect, and it can sometimes leave some sentences completely unintelligible when you translate from one language to another. So I highly recommend using Google Translate Talk if you ever have a chance to translate something. But the basic idea is that you speak into your computer’s microphone and it translates your words, and at the end of the translation you have a message in Chinese written in either Chinese characters or English.

But in this case, the Chinese is written in English, and it’s written not in Chinese, but in English. Because the Chinese text is only an approximation of the Chinese characters, which are not always translatable.

I hope you’ve already taken a look at the translation and translated it, but it’s still a pretty decent translation.

I can understand why the Chinese text is not translatable, because the characters are not the same as the English text. But because the translation is in English, but not Chinese, it is a bit confusing. One of the things I like about the Chinese text is that it has the “t” sound, which is in English, but not Chinese. This is a bit difficult for some English speakers, but I can understand why.

I am not an English speaker, but I do think that the Chinese text is a bit confusing for anyone who does not know the characters. I have also read the English translation, which is also quite good. The Chinese characters are not a problem for me.

I don’t think I’m an English speaker, but I am quite happy with the Chinese translation. For me, it is not as confusing as it might seem.

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