If you have ever been on a date, you know that you don’t have to pay attention to exactly what your date is saying.
This is a big one. The way the internet works, it takes a lot of time for you to have to read a person’s entire body message. When you do, you have to either agree or disagree and then you have to wait while the other person explains what he or she is actually saying.
The quarter theory is a way to help prevent this from happening. This means that you have to pay attention to the actual words a person is sending, not just the words they’re sending you. If you are paying attention, you can take it from there.
The quarter theory is a way to keep people from actually reading body language. The person who sends you a message that says “Please do not send me any more messages”, will not necessarily be reading your body language. So when you have to take it from there, you can. For example, the person who tells you to “go home” will not necessarily be reading your body language, and you can take it from there.
There are definitely times when you have to take body language literally. For example, if you are an angry person who is yelling, you will almost certainly have to actually yell at the person. If you are a calm person who is telling a person she is sorry, you will almost certainly have to actually say sorry to the person.
If you take it too literally you might be making a mistake. If you are yelling at something that is not in your body, you may have inadvertently made a mistake in your body language. Say you are yelling at someone, and you are only yelling at your stomach. If you are yelling at your stomach, you might be making a mistake. The same thing applies to people telling you to go home. You may have misunderstood what someone was actually saying.
You could be making a completely wrong decision. When someone says “I’m going to the bathroom” you could be making a completely wrong decision. If you are talking to yourself, you could be making a totally wrong decision. If you are talking to a group of people you could be making a completely wrong decision.
In the case of someone telling you to go to the bathroom, many times it may be clear that you are making a completely wrong decision. Like when someone tells you to go to the bathroom right now. If you are not sure, it is better to get out of there, than to make a mistake and then have your friends try to come with you and have a lot of trouble.
The same goes to you when you are talking to someone. If you are saying something wrong, it is better to get out of there and have someone come with you and have a lot of trouble.
It is true that if you don’t know the answers to questions, you can’t get the answers you are looking for, but it is also true that if you are stuck in an uncomfortable situation and you don’t know why, it is also true that you shouldn’t just go out and make the wrong choice. You should understand why you are in a situation you are in and have a better chance of getting out of a difficult situation.