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The Urban Dictionary of eyeglass tracker

The eye is such a complex system that I was surprised to learn that it can be used to track the movements of the entire eye. The only problem is that there are so many different ways to determine it, and there’s so little information on how to use the eye tracker.

The eye is actually a fairly complex piece of machinery, and there are so many ways to measure it that it’s quite easy to get lost in them. The way that I learned to track it was to take a picture of the pupil and subtract the iris into a 3D model. This lets me quickly determine which eye is being tracked (the left or right eye usually) and how fast its pupil is moving.

If you’re looking for the right eye then the tracker may be in the right eye frame, but if its the left eye frame, it can be anywhere in the picture. The eye tracker is a very clever piece of technology and quite useful, but its actually quite limiting in how it works. The fact is that while it can work well for tracking the eye, it is not very accurate for tracking the iris.

The eye tracker is not accurate for iris tracking. The iris is a very important part of the eye, and the only thing that can be determined with the eye tracker is which eye is being tracked. This is why people sometimes look at the eye tracker and wonder if the person looking at them is actually looking at the eye. The truth is that the tracker is very inaccurate when it comes to iris tracking.

The iris is pretty much a passive device. It responds to light and is basically the retina of the eye, and the iris is the way the light is reflected off the retina. An accurate eye tracker would track this reflection to determine the eye’s iris. An inaccurate eye tracker would just be tracking the retina, which is not accurate because the reflection of light on the retina is actually much larger than the tiny area of the iris.

Eyeglasses are pretty cheap, so while the tracker is inaccurate it would still be a very accurate measurement. But you would still need to know the actual iris location of the eyes in order to use the tracker to calculate the actual eyeglass prescription.

I’ve heard people say they would like to see a camera that can read their eyes. If that ever happens I have no doubt that it would be something extremely cheap and inaccurate.

The eyeglass tracker is an interesting idea. Instead of using the camera on a pair of glasses, it would use the camera on an eye-tracking device to track the distance between the camera and the subject’s eye. This is an idea that’s worth testing.

The idea of using an eye-tracking device to determine the distance between the camera and the eyes isn’t far fetched. You already have a couple of camera systems that do this, and the idea of using an eye tracker to track the distance between the camera and the eye is not too terribly new. The idea of using a camera and eye-tracking device to determine the distance between the camera and the eyes isn’t far fetched.

The idea of using a camera and eye-tracking device to determine the distance between the camera and the eyes isnt far fetched. A similar idea is the camera and a camera sensor to determine the depth of a user’s head. This idea isnt far fetched, but it is a bit more complicated.

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