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118 british pounds dollars

That’s the amount of pounds that is now in the Guinness World Records. It is the first time that it has been officially recognized in the world. For a long time, people thought it was a record of the body weight of a certain individual. Then in 2011, a man named Robert J. Lister broke the old record, and it was officially recognized in the Guinness World Records.

Lister set the new record because he had to travel to New Zealand to do so. Guinness has been trying to set new records for over a hundred years now, and in 2011 Lister was the first to break the record, but he was the first to do so in his home country.

Lister got to New Zealand, and he didn’t need a lot of money to do so. He had the money from his Guinness Booking account and an impressive amount of cash from his bank account. He said he didn’t even have to go to the bank because Guinness doesn’t care about where you’re from.

It was a great story, but it could have been even more exciting if Guinness had been able to check his credit. The problem is that Guinness doesn’t care about how you travel to do your Guinness bookings. They dont care about where youre from, what youre like, or what your background is. They just want a place to set the Guinness Booking records for.

It should be noted that it is possible to spend less than a hundred pounds on Guinness, and Guinness might actually care if you spent less than a hundred pounds. I think it would be cool if you could spend a hundred pounds on Guinness and get a Guinness Booking worth of points.

I think it would be really cool if a game could give you a bookings worth of points for less than £100. That would be cool.

I think it would be cool if your character could only spend one hundred pounds on Guinness. That would be cool. But how do you actually spend it? You still need to pay taxes, so you might actually get one point for the tax money. I think it would be cool if you could only spend one hundred pounds on Guinness and get a bookings worth of points for one of your characters. That would be really cool.

The game’s ending is coming up, this is the first time we’ve ever seen a game ending in my opinion. If you like mysteries and a good story, you may like this one. Also, I’ve been doing a lot of reading. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to let me know.

The game’s ending is coming up. The whole first chapter of the trailer is really exciting. You can read it in the synopsis section below and get some great advice about how to get better at playing the game.

So, on the bright side, this might be the start of a series of novels. We have no idea how the story is going to end, but at least it gives us a cool ending to our time on Earth.

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