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coin microscope

I have a friend who is a coin microscope scientist. He used to test coins and coins with coins. He used to be obsessed with finding and studying tiny coin fragments from the ground. He told me once he could never find the tiny pieces.

He seems like a super nerd now, but back then he was an absolute geek. Now I think of him as a super nerd on steroids. He was a serious geek who loved the idea of playing with the smallest parts of the world and getting to prove his theories right. It was just so cool to watch his work come to life.

I know coin pieces don’t seem like the smallest parts of the world, but they are, and we are. The tiny pieces of the world have a way of making these things come alive in our hands. This is one of those things that was never supposed to happen; we’re all supposed to have the smallest pieces of the world. It’s just that we just don’t seem to be able to find them.

I can’t believe I’m reading this. I can’t believe it’s true. It’s like the mind of someone who reads scientific papers and knows they’re not supposed to talk about it. It’s like there’s a whole lot of this stuff we don’t even know about in the scientific literature. It’s just completely out of control.

Well, maybe if we had a big enough telescope and a little bit of scientific knowledge, we might be able to find them. But we haven’t, so what are we going to do about it? As a matter of fact, until we’ve put our heads together and figured out how to unearth the pieces of the universe, it’s hard to think of anything else.

I think the best way to describe this is how I just described it, I call it the coin microscope. Its like a coin that’s a little bit larger than the rest of the coin, and you can see through it. In the past, we’ve tried using a small amount of a substance called carbon disulfide. We were able to see through it, but it was kind of a pain.

In the new video we see a very bright flash of light, a really bright light that was so bright its like a light bulb. This light shows a pattern of tiny dots. The dots are the same size as the ones on the coin, one dot per inch. So now you can see just the dots.

In the past we have tried carbon disulfide, a chemical compound used to create carbon-based light bulbs that are often used in security cameras. Carbon disulfide can be very dangerous though and can cause cancer, so we dont recommend it.

We’ve looked into the problem of carbon disulfide, but we still don’t like it much, so we’re probably not going to go back and make it a reality. The problem could be that you use carbon disulfide only for the lighting. If you are not using carbon disulfide, then you don’t have the ability to use it as a flashlight.

It sounds like the last trailer you watched for a movie, “The Final Frontier”, was actually about the game’s ending, and the final scene in the game was so dramatic that it really scared the crap out of you. At one time we used the term “end of the game” to describe our end of the game.

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