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800000 cad to usd

As the markets are so tough, the demand for gold is so high. If you are in a position to buy gold, in order for you to do so you will have to pay a high price.

The reason for this is because it’s the only way to get things going with the good stuff. The bad stuff is that at some point it’s time for gold to go on sale. If you’re in a position to buy gold, you’re not buying gold at all, you should just go ahead and buy it.

This is the opposite of what I said previously, but you can’t get gold without a little bit of a gold rush. This is why we have a gold rush. We have the gold for it, and there is a lot of demand for it. But more than that, we have the demand to go to a store and buy the good stuff. So if you’re in a good position to buy gold, you should buy gold.

Because gold is a form of wealth, when you buy gold, you can sell it for more money, and you can have it delivered to you. This is extremely important because a lot of people buy gold just to hoard it. This is why we have a supply and demand for gold. We have some people in the world who want to hoard the gold, because they think the value of gold is going to go down. And this is why we have a price for gold.

The demand for gold is determined by the amount we have of gold. If we have a few thousand ounces of gold, we dont look to sell them until we have a few billion ounces. We keep a few billion ounces in a vault. The value of gold is determined by the amount of gold available. If you have a few billion ounces of gold, you dont have to sell your gold, which frees up your money.

So I am a little skeptical about this. Why does the demand for gold go down just when there is a shortage of gold? Why does it not go up when there is a flood of gold? There have been times when the price of gold went down due to the flood of gold, but when the gold was needed the price went up. That is how it works.

This is a very interesting point, the fact that the gold demand goes up and down, but the price doesn’t. Remember that gold (and silver) has a finite supply. If we need to buy more gold, we’d use more silver, in the form of cash, and if we need to buy more silver we’d use more gold. The demand for gold goes up when there is a shortage, but the supply of gold stays the same.

This is the kind of thing that can happen if you keep trying to get more gold. If you keep trying to get more gold, you’re going to have to buy more. The demand is like the average person’s mind. You don’t have to be clever to see the supply of gold. If you’re stupidly trying to get more gold, you’re going to be eating up a lot of gold.

The gold demand is quite obvious. You can see it in the price of gold. We think it is because the supply is limited. The supply is also limited by the supply of oil. The supply is limited by the supply of the demand.

The demand for gold is so huge you cant just buy any gold. What needs to happen is for banks to stop printing money and start investing it. This way gold can become a more stable form of currency. And the demand is so high that we think the supply of gold is also limited by the supply of oil.

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