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What is Blocto wallet

  • Blocto is the only mobile wallet till now that supports Flow.
  • Blocto supports various blockchains such as Flow, Solana, Ethereum and Tron.

Blocto is a cross-blockchain ecosystem which enables users to operate various decentralized applications, crypto and NFT tokens no matter on which blockchain they are built on. Developers can merge payment service and identity that blocto provides. Blocto has a mass adaptation as it provides the interoperability on the smart contract wallet.

For some time in the past blockchain was in the news as it can help in reducing fraud and increase transparency at a larger scale of users, it is proved to be a revolutionary and innovative technology. It has brought a new era for the banking, payment exchange and gaming sector. 

Blocto is a smart contract wallet service which works across multiple blockchain. Users can login to their wallets through their email ID, and can buy and sell NFTs just like any other daily application.  The unique feature of Blocto is that users can pay network fees in only Blocto points across all supported blockchain. Users can have direct access to private keys by converting their Blocto account to non-custodial mode once they get more familiar with blockchain usage.  

Blocto is the only mobile wallet which supports Flow. Flow is a fast, developer friendly blockchain which is designed as a foundation for  new decentralized apps, games and digital assets. Now nodes can also run on Blocto which constitute more than 70% of Flow delegators on Flow and has become the 4th biggest node and still on the growth path, new users joining daily. 

Blocto includes all robust blockchain like Flow, Ethereum, Solona, and Tron in their service which makes it easier for users to travel through different blockchains easily and explore dApps and NFTs in their blockchain ecosystem and this will also allow users to avoid using different kind wallet and learn about them. 

Blocto wallet tries to fill the gap between general application and dApps by resolving the issues like private key management, gas fee mechanism, complicated wallet address and enhanced the user experience, mass adaptation of the technology. Blocto supports Ethereum layer 2 protocols

Blocto is on its way to develop a layer 2 solution. They have collaborated with zkSync, Loopring and xDai to develop native layer 2 asset management and dAp. They will try to provide smooth integration of layer 2 protocol, provide users with a high throughput and a low cost of layer 2 solution without any difficulties. 

Blocto tokens Blocto token(BTL) is a governance token of blocto , it is the foundation stone of blocto ecosystem and maintains the interconnective link between blocto wallet and its users. Blocto tokens can generate the growth of the ecosystem by using various utilities such as mining, staking and its tekenomics.

Having Blocto tokens gives added advantage to holders in Blocto made product such as 

Blocto swap – Blocto token holders get beta version access to new or updated features of the Blocto swap.

Blocto balancer – BTL holder can create their own cross-chain liquidity pool with their own custom fee and asset weighting, whereas, non BTL holders can just take part in that pools

Blocto NFT showroom – Blocto provides a cross chain NFT asset management interface. They can customize the NFT showroom according to them. 

Blocto vault – BTL holders can burn their  token in exchange for an equal proportion of tokens in the Blocto vault.


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