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4700 yen to usd

Why are so many people in Japan so poor? We have a government that is responsible for everything so that’s one reason. The government is very strict about money, so it’s hard for people to earn a lot of money. You may have heard that the average weekly salary is about 7000 yen a month. That’s a lot of money in Japan.

This is actually a pretty common problem. Especially in China, people are so poor they can’t even afford to buy clothes. For a lot of people, they simply have no money to buy food, so they are forced to starve. This is one of the biggest reasons why people are so desperate for food in Japan. Some also experience starvation for a variety of other reasons (like a long period of unemployment).

Japan’s population is about 47,000 thousand people. However, when you consider the fact that there are only two million people in the entire country, this means that each person only has about 4700 yen to spend on essentials like food. That’s a lot of money.

It reminds me of a scene in the movie The Last Temptation of Christ where the church is starving so they try to take a bunch of people’s food and feed them to the starving people. The problem is that most of the people in the church are not starving at all. They’re just too busy being good and holy and doing good deeds to be able to help out. The church is a social club.

It’s not just the amount of money people have to spend, its also the variety of items they have to buy and the lack of variety in the foodstuff they can buy. People are going to have to buy something if they’re going to be in the club. Even if theyre not going to buy anything, they will have to spend money to get a good seat at the club.

The problem is that the church is filled with people who are not good but only good because they are being good. There are plenty of people who want to be a good priest and are only good because of their job, but they are too busy being good to stop and help out the other members.

In other words, there is a lot of tension in the church because there is a lot of stuff that everyone wants to do and nobody is doing. Even so, there are a lot of people who are being so good that it is impossible for them to stop and help out. Maybe if they were doing something that mattered, they would stop and help out. But they are not, so they will keep on doing things, no matter what.

The reason why the church does not want people to help out is because there is some very negative stuff going on. For instance, if the church wants to have a baby, they can’t because they don’t want to have a baby. It’s a huge change. The problem with a baby isn’t that it’s a baby, it’s that it’s not the baby that you want to have, and it’s not the baby that you are supposed to want to have.

Yes, the church would have known that. They had a baby on their party island. They had a baby on their party island. They had a baby on their party island. They had a baby on their party island. They had a baby on their party island. They had a baby on their party island.

The fact is that baby sex is a taboo topic in Japan. The idea of having a baby is not something that people would discuss in the open, but its something that they wouldn’t talk about in their quiet lives.

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